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  • MagView

    A MagView contains all information about the data of a single magnification of a Layer.


MagView(layer: Layer, mag: Mag, chunk_shape: Vec3Int, chunks_per_shard: Vec3Int, compression_mode: bool, create: bool = False, path: Optional[UPath] = None)

Bases: View

A MagView contains all information about the data of a single magnification of a Layer. MagView inherits from View. The main difference is that the MagViewhas a reference to its Layer

Therefore, a MagView can write outside the specified bounding box (unlike a normal View), resizing the layer's bounding box. If necessary, the properties are automatically updated (e.g. if the bounding box changed).

Do not use this constructor manually. Instead use webknossos.dataset.layer.Layer.add_mag().


  • chunk

    This method chunks the view into multiple sub-views of size chunk_shape (in Mag(1)).

  • compress

    Compresses the files on disk. This has consequences for writing data (see write).

  • content_is_equal
  • for_each_chunk

    The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size chunk_shape (in Mag(1)),

  • for_zipped_chunks

    This method is similar to for_each_chunk in the sense that it delegates work to smaller chunks,

  • get_bounding_boxes_on_disk

    Returns a Mag(1) bounding box for each file on disk.

  • get_buffered_slice_reader

    The returned reader yields slices of data along a specified axis.

  • get_buffered_slice_writer

    The returned writer buffers multiple slices before they are written to disk.

  • get_dtype

    Returns the dtype per channel of the data. For example uint8.

  • get_view
  • get_views_on_disk

    Yields a view for each file on disk, which can be used for efficient parallelization.

  • get_zarr_array

    Directly access the underlying Zarr array. Only available for Zarr-based datasets.

  • map_chunk

    The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size chunk_shape (in Mag(1)),

  • merge_chunk
  • merge_with_view
  • read
  • read_bbox

    ⚠️ Deprecated. Please use read() with relative_bounding_box or absolute_bounding_box in Mag(1) instead.

  • read_xyz

    The user can specify the bounding box in the dataset's coordinate system.

  • write


bounding_box property

bounding_box: NDBoundingBox

global_offset property

global_offset: Vec3Int

⚠️ Deprecated, use Vec3Int.zeros() instead.

header property

header: Header

⚠️ Deprecated, use info instead.

info property

info: ArrayInfo

is_remote_to_dataset property

is_remote_to_dataset: bool

layer property

layer: Layer

mag property

mag: Mag

name property

name: str

path property

path: Path

read_only property

read_only: bool

size property

size: VecInt

⚠️ Deprecated, use mag_view.bounding_box.in_mag(mag_view.mag).bottomright instead.


chunk(chunk_shape: VecIntLike, chunk_border_alignments: Optional[VecIntLike] = None, read_only: bool = False) -> Generator[View, None, None]

This method chunks the view into multiple sub-views of size chunk_shape (in Mag(1)). The chunk_border_alignments parameter specifies the alignment of the chunks. The default is to align the chunks to the origin (0, 0, 0).


# ...
# let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
chunks = mag1.chunk(chunk_shape=(100, 100, 100), chunk_border_alignments=(50, 50, 50))


compress(target_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, args: Optional[Namespace] = None, executor: Optional[Executor] = None) -> None

Compresses the files on disk. This has consequences for writing data (see write).

The data gets compressed inplace, if target_path is None. Otherwise it is written to target_path/layer_name/mag.

Compressing mags on remote file systems requires a target_path.


content_is_equal(other: View, args: Optional[Namespace] = None, executor: Optional[Executor] = None) -> bool


for_each_chunk(func_per_chunk: Callable[[Tuple[View, int]], None], chunk_shape: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, executor: Optional[Executor] = None, progress_desc: Optional[str] = None, *, chunk_size: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None) -> None

The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size chunk_shape (in Mag(1)), by default one chunk per file. Then, func_per_chunk is performed on each sub-view. Besides the view, the counter i is passed to the func_per_chunk, which can be used for logging. Additional parameters for func_per_chunk can be specified using functools.partial. The computation of each chunk has to be independent of each other. Therefore, the work can be parallelized with executor.

If the View is of type MagView only the bounding box from the properties is chunked.


from webknossos.utils import named_partial

def some_work(args: Tuple[View, int], some_parameter: int) -> None:
    view_of_single_chunk, i = args
    # perform operations on the view

# ...
# let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
func = named_partial(some_work, some_parameter=42)


for_zipped_chunks(func_per_chunk: Callable[[Tuple[View, View, int]], None], target_view: View, source_chunk_shape: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, target_chunk_shape: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, executor: Optional[Executor] = None, progress_desc: Optional[str] = None, *, source_chunk_size: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, target_chunk_size: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None) -> None

This method is similar to for_each_chunk in the sense that it delegates work to smaller chunks, given by source_chunk_shape and target_chunk_shape (both in Mag(1), by default using the larger of the source_views and the target_views file-sizes). However, this method also takes another view as a parameter. Both views are chunked simultaneously and a matching pair of chunks is then passed to the function that shall be executed. This is useful if data from one view should be (transformed and) written to a different view, assuming that the transformation of the data can be handled on chunk-level. Additionally to the two views, the counter i is passed to the func_per_chunk, which can be used for logging.

The mapping of chunks from the source view to the target is bijective. The ratio between the size of the source_view (self) and the source_chunk_shape must be equal to the ratio between the target_view and the target_chunk_shape. This guarantees that the number of chunks in the source_view is equal to the number of chunks in the target_view. The target_chunk_shape must be a multiple of the file size on disk to avoid concurrent writes.

Example use case: downsampling from Mag(1) to Mag(2) - size of the views: 16384³ (8192³ in Mag(2) for target_view) - automatic chunk sizes: 2048³, assuming default file-lengths (1024³ in Mag(2), which fits the default file-length of 32*32)


get_bounding_boxes_on_disk() -> Iterator[NDBoundingBox]

Returns a Mag(1) bounding box for each file on disk.

This differs from the bounding box in the properties, which is an "overall" bounding box, abstracting from the files on disk.


get_buffered_slice_reader(offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, size: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, buffer_size: int = 32, dimension: int = 2, *, relative_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, absolute_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, use_logging: bool = False) -> BufferedSliceReader

The returned reader yields slices of data along a specified axis. Internally, it reads multiple slices from disk at once and buffers the data.


  • The user can specify where the writer should start:
    • relative_bounding_box in Mag(1)
    • absolute_bounding_box in Mag(1)
    • ⚠️ deprecated: offset and size in the current Mag, offset used to be relative for View and absolute for MagView
  • buffer_size: amount of slices that get buffered
  • dimension: dimension along which the data is sliced (x: 0, y: 1, z: 2; default is 2)).

The reader must be used as a context manager using the with syntax (see example below). Entering the context returns an iterator yielding slices (np.ndarray).


view = ...
with view.get_buffered_slice_reader() as reader:
    for slice_data in reader:


get_buffered_slice_writer(offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, buffer_size: int = 32, dimension: int = 2, json_update_allowed: bool = True, *, relative_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, absolute_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, relative_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, absolute_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, use_logging: bool = False) -> BufferedSliceWriter

The returned writer buffers multiple slices before they are written to disk. As soon as the buffer is full, the data gets written to disk.


  • The user can specify where the writer should start:
    • relative_offset in Mag(1)
    • absolute_offset in Mag(1)
    • relative_bounding_box in Mag(1)
    • absolute_bounding_box in Mag(1)
    • ⚠️ deprecated: offset in the current Mag, used to be relative for View and absolute for MagView
  • buffer_size: amount of slices that get buffered
  • dimension: dimension along which the data is sliced (x: 0, y: 1, z: 2; default is 2)).

The writer must be used as context manager using the with syntax (see example below), which results in a generator consuming np.ndarray-slices via writer.send(slice). Exiting the context will automatically flush any remaining buffered data to disk.


data_cube = ...
view = ...
with view.get_buffered_slice_writer() as writer:
    for data_slice in data_cube:


get_dtype() -> dtype

Returns the dtype per channel of the data. For example uint8.


get_view(offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, size: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, *, relative_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, absolute_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, relative_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, absolute_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, read_only: Optional[bool] = None) -> View


get_views_on_disk(read_only: Optional[bool] = None) -> Iterator[View]

Yields a view for each file on disk, which can be used for efficient parallelization.


get_zarr_array() -> NDArrayLike

Directly access the underlying Zarr array. Only available for Zarr-based datasets.


map_chunk(func_per_chunk: Callable[[View], Any], chunk_shape: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, executor: Optional[Executor] = None, progress_desc: Optional[str] = None) -> List[Any]

The view is chunked into multiple sub-views of size chunk_shape (in Mag(1)), by default one chunk per file. Then, func_per_chunk is performed on each sub-view and the results are collected in a list. Additional parameters for func_per_chunk can be specified using functools.partial. The computation of each chunk has to be independent of each other. Therefore, the work can be parallelized with executor.

If the View is of type MagView only the bounding box from the properties is chunked.


from webknossos.utils import named_partial

def some_work(view: View, some_parameter: int) -> None:
    # perform operations on the view

# ...
# let 'mag1' be a `MagView`
func = named_partial(some_work, some_parameter=42)
results = mag1.map_chunk(


merge_chunk(args: Tuple[MagView, NDBoundingBox, List[NDBoundingBox]]) -> None


merge_with_view(other: MagView, executor: Executor) -> None


read(offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, size: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, *, relative_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, absolute_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, relative_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, absolute_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None) -> ndarray


read_bbox(bounding_box: Optional[BoundingBox] = None) -> ndarray

⚠️ Deprecated. Please use read() with relative_bounding_box or absolute_bounding_box in Mag(1) instead. The user can specify the bounding_box in the current mag of the requested data. See read() for more details.


read_xyz(relative_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, absolute_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None) -> ndarray

The user can specify the bounding box in the dataset's coordinate system. The default is to read all data of the view's bounding box. Alternatively, one can supply one of the following keyword arguments: * relative_bounding_box in Mag(1) * absolute_bounding_box in Mag(1)

Returns the specified data as a np.array.


write(data: ndarray, offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, json_update_allowed: bool = True, *, relative_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, absolute_offset: Optional[Vec3IntLike] = None, relative_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None, absolute_bounding_box: Optional[NDBoundingBox] = None) -> None