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Data class containing information about a WEBKNOSSOS project

expected_time instance-attribute

expected_time: Optional[int]

name instance-attribute

name: str

owner_id instance-attribute

owner_id: Optional[str]

paused instance-attribute

paused: bool

priority instance-attribute

priority: int

project_id instance-attribute

project_id: str

team_id instance-attribute

team_id: str

team_name instance-attribute

team_name: str

get_by_id classmethod

get_by_id(project_id: str) -> Project

Returns the project specified by the passed id if your token authorizes you to see it.

get_by_name classmethod

get_by_name(name: str) -> Project

Returns the user specified by the passed name if your token authorizes you to see it.


get_owner() -> User

Returns the user that is the owner of this task


get_tasks(fetch_all: bool = False) -> List[Task]

Returns the tasks of this project. Note: will fetch only the first 1000 entries by default, warns if that means some are missing. set parameter pass fetch_all=True to use pagination to fetch all tasks iteratively with pagination.